Hello everyone and welcome to our new blog. Working in conjunction with PreventAbduction.net, the goal of this blog is to inform parents and guardians about available resources to protect children against the threat of predators and abduction. Our blog posts will cover various topics, such as child safety tips, internet safety, child safety products, educational books and DVD's and more. As this blog evolves, we hope you will find it to be a valuable resource in developing a safety plan tailored to the needs of your family.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Tip of the Week - Circle of Trust

Develop a list of trusted friends, relatives and/or teachers and explain to your child that these are adults that can be trusted in case of an emergency.  Teach your child that he/she should not ride or go with a person who is not one of the trusted adults.  You can also come up with a code word, teach it to your child and share it only with your trusted adults (see our tip on code words).  Our “What if?” Book provides a place for you to write in your list of trusted adults and review them with your child. 

For more tips go to our website.
To purchase your own "What If?" Book, go here

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